Wilson Pediatric Therapy

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Why Try Telehealth

Telehealth, being a fairly new idea, is something many of us don’t have much personal experience with. Primarily becoming more common because of the pandemic, it is something that has been a very useful tool, but also an adjustment because of its unique form. Here are a few reasons telehealth is so beneficial for the family, child, and therapist. 

Flexibility in appointments for families and therapists

Even if a child or family member is sick, or a therapist needs to work from home (due to weather or illness), there is an opportunity for continued progress through a telehealth appointment. This can be especially helpful for changes in schedules or rescheduling.

Ability for therapist and child to adapt 

Although change can be challenging (moving from in-person sessions to telehealth sessions), it leads to adaptability, and learning to be adaptable (over time) leads children to become better critical thinkers.

More opportunities for parent coaching and learning 

Oftentimes during a telehealth session, a parent is required to play a more active role to assist and guide the child in activities. Because of this, parents usually learn more than during an in-person session (where they might not have to be as hands-on with their child).

Real-life/ home environment of the child can lead to better home carryover 

When a child is at home, toys and activities which are available at home are often utilized during the session. When these items are used in different ways during a session, it gives parents and children more ideas for how to therapeutically use these items at home during play.

Decreased risk of illness

When the therapist and family/child are not in the same location, there is no risk of spreading germs to one another. 

While telehealth therapy has its differences (both good and bad) from in-person services, it can be a beneficial tool for families and therapists. Talk to your child’s therapist about the benefits of teletherapy for you and your child! 

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