What is Physical Therapy for Kids?
Physical therapists work with people of all ages anytime a problem with movement limits their daily activities. They may work in hospitals, private practices, fitness centers, rehabilitation centers, or research facilities, to name a few settings.
Physical therapy helps children learn and master gross motor and functional mobility skills. As a child develops these skills successfully, it creates independence and allows for more interaction with their environment, family, and peers. PTs are also essential for rehabilitation after surgery or an injury, preventing injuries, and assisting with training and use of devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, positioning seats, standers, orthotics, etc.
What’s the difference between rehabilitation and habilitation therapy?
Rehabilitation is the action of restoring someone to health or everyday life through training and therapy after illness or injury.
Habilitation refers to a process aimed at helping individuals with disabilities attain, keep, or improve skills and functioning for daily living.
Who do pediatric physical therapists work with?
Pediatric therapists work with children of all ages, 0-21, with or without specific diagnoses, which may have difficulty with different movements.
What do pediatric therapists work on?
Some examples of goals that we work on during therapy sessions may include:
Balance: righting and protective reactions
Strengthening: strength against gravity
Range of motion: improving how much a joint can move
Developmental milestones: rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, etc.
Gross motor skills: running, skipping, riding a bike, etc.
Using assistive devices and other special equipment, if needed, to promote independence in daily tasks (including wheelchairs and seating systems, walkers, use of orthotics, and more)
And more!
Do you think your child may benefit from physical therapy? Check out our developmental checklist and contact us with any questions!