National Grants
Maggie Welby Foundation- Provides grants to families with a specific goal in mind. That goal could be financial assistance with medical bills, modifying your vehicle to be wheelchair accessible, or even just pursuing an opportunity that wouldn't be available to your child otherwise.
The Parker Lee Project- Works to cover the costs of equipment and medical treatment that your insurance may not. It also serves as a great educational resource and support system for parents with disabled children.
The Different Needz Foundation- Provides grants directly to individuals with developmental disabilities through the lens of what they made need in the future. This includes financial assistance and covering equipment needs.
Cerner Charitable Foundation- Provides funding for items that will improve the quality of life for a person with disabilities but which may not be covered by health insurance. They also can provide financial relief for medical bills.
Wheelchairs 4 Kids- Works to provide the highest quality wheelchairs for persons with disabilities. Beyond that, they can help fund everything from wheelchair ramps to home modifications and wheelchair accessible vehicles.
Kiddos’ Clubhouse Foundation- Works to make sure children with emotional and developmental challenges get access to therapies that they need.
United Healthcare Children's Foundation- This non-profit charity improves the quality of life for a child 16-years-old or younger by reducing the financial burden that is left when health insurance doesn't cover the entirety of medical expenses.
The Ray Tye Medical Aid Foundation- Funds in-hospital treatment and surgeries for those without health insurance or adequate financial means.
ARCH National Respite Network and Research Center- If you're not sure where to find resources, ARCH National Respite Network and Research Center is a great place to start. This organization works to link families with local crisis care programs in their community.
Chrysalis Fund- Offers small grants and stipends averaging $1,000 per family to assist with the financing of limited, targeted educational investments for these children.
Danny’s Wish iPads for Autism- Provides free iPads to families of nonverbal children with Autism. Applications will only be accepted September 1st through December 31st of each calendar year. Applications received and approved will be acknowledged by email & submitted to lottery for the next allocation of iPads awarded.
Oracle Health Foundation- Provides pediatric case grants for medicine, surgeries, travel, and equipment; wellness screenings to elementary school students; social-emotional support and education initiatives to middle school students; health education to high school students; and much more.
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children- FODAC provides refurbished equipment and services for adults and children with disabilities to improve their overall quality of life. Over the years, our model to assist individuals with disabilities has remained the same: to provide free or low-cost wheelchairs and other home medical equipment (HME), vehicle and home adaptations and more.
Friends of Man- Works through Referring Professionals (caseworkers, case managers, healthcare workers, social workers, school counselors, teachers, clergy) who apply on behalf of their patients and clients needing mobility equipment, prosthetics, glasses, dentures, hearing aids, and much more.
Modest Needs- Provides short-term financial assistance to individuals and families in temporary crisis who, because they are working and live just above the poverty level, are ineligible for most types of conventional social assistance but who (like many of us) are living one or two lost paychecks away from the kind of financial catastrophe that eventually leads to homelessness.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation- This foundation through the ASDF’s Holiday gift card program, provides families across the country with gift cards for the holidays. ASDF partners with autism organizations across the country that help in selecting and distributing to the families who have the greatest need for financial assistance.
ASDF Social Skills Camp- ASDF partners with autism organizations around the country that offer social skills summer camps. ASDF provides partial and full scholarships to those families who need financial assistance to send their children to camp.
Fund it Forward- is a volunteer run non-profit organization which believes that parents of children with special needs are strong, willing, and able to endure daily struggles. Because of the constant battles to provide the best quality of life for their children, Fund It Forward believes these families deserve help in addressing their concerns: We help them obtain expensive medical and adaptive equipment such as augmentative communication devices, bathing and feeding chairs, enclosed beds or sensory equipment.
Jacks Place- is dedicated to fulfilling its mission of providing support, education, compassion, and a comprehensive array of services to help families cope with the day-to-day challenges of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ultimately improving the quality of life for individuals and their families impacted by ASD.
Kids Wish Network- has been making dreams come true for thousands of children all over the country. The charity started out with the single purpose of granting wishes to children suffering with life-threatening conditions. Since then we have created numerous programs benefiting kids nationwide.
Kiwanis International- founded in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. Kiwanis helps kids around the world. Local clubs look out for our communities and the international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty. We are generous with our time. We are creative with our ideas. We are passionate about making a difference. And we have fun along the way.
Knights of Columbus- organization was formed in 1882 to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 13,000 councils and 1.7 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam and Saipan.
Make-A-Wish Foundation- grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories, on average, every 38 minutes. We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.
The Marty Lyons Foundation’s Wish Program- for any child between the ages of three (3) and seventeen (17) inclusive who has been diagnosed as having a terminal or life threatening illness by their attending physician and confirmed by the Foundation’s medical advisors shall be eligible.
Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation- exists to provide resources, services, and adaptive equipment to enable patients with muscular dystrophy and their family members to live independent and productive lives.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society's Direct Assistance- program relieves some of the financial burden that comes with purchasing the goods and services needed to manage MS when other resources (private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or other personal/community resources) aren't available. The Society helps people affected by MS by funding cutting-edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, and providing programs and services that help people with MS and their families move their lives forward.
Rest Haven Children’s Health Fund- is a California 501 c (3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to addressing the health needs of children. Rest Haven’s mission is to provide funds for health related services for children in San Diego and Imperial counties when no other funds are available. To fulfill this mission Rest Haven Children’s Health Fund provides one time or short term funding for health related needs for individual children who meet our eligibility requirements.
Cover the Uninsured ~ A Project of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (202) 572-2928
Email: info@covertheuninsured.org
Kentucky Assistive Technology Service(KATS) Network Charles McDowell Center 8412 Westport Rd
Louisville, KY 40242
(800) 327-5287
(502) 429-4484
(502) 429-7114 (Fax)
Programs for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2 982 Eastern Parkway
Louisville, KY 40217
(800) 442-0087
(502) 459-0225
Programs for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2 982 Eastern Parkway
Louisville, KY 40217
(800) 442-0087
(502) 459-0225
Southern Early Childhood Association
P.O. Box 55930
Little Rock, AR 5930
(800) 305-7322
(501) 227-5297 (Fax)
PO Box 5001
London, KY 40745-5001
United States
Telephone: 6068646235