Don’t Wait…Evaluate!!

As a mom of three boys, I remember very well all the questions I had about their development when they were babies and toddlers. Social media was just starting, and “mom groups” weren’t really a thing yet, so I didn’t have anyone to ask my questions to except Google and maybe an older friend or two. Of course, if I could remember, I would ask my pediatrician at the moment, but often, I was so distracted with my child running circles around the room that I wouldn’t remember all my questions until I was back in my car and headed home.


As a speech therapist with 18 years of experience in early intervention, I know the importance of a child receiving therapy before the age of three. The younger a child is, the better their outcomes, and the less likely they will need therapy by the time they reach kindergarten. I saw the best progress in kids when I evaluated and treated them before twelve months of age. Unfortunately, parents are often told to “wait and see,” which results in a much later evaluation and longer treatment needed.

All three of my children have needed therapy of some kind, and I can honestly say my only regret is that I didn’t get them help earlier. I believe they would’ve struggled less once they were school-age. By the time the third one came along, I did much better pushing for evaluations earlier, and I believe his success now is directly correlated with early intervention.

As a parent and therapist, I urge you to listen to your parental instincts and have your child evaluated if you have concerns. They might not need therapy, which is wonderful, but if nothing else, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that they are on track and even some tips for things you can do at home to continue to help them develop. I promise you won’t regret it!

Don't Wait... Evaluate!!


Monday - Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Admin Hours

Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 6:30 pm Treatment Hours


Call or Text: 859-475-4305 | Fax: 877-804-4492


424 Lewis Hargett Circle B-100, Lexington, KY 40503